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Nonprofit agencies often struggle with limited resources and budgets when it comes to marketing, media, and production services.


Spirit Media Services, a nonprofit production company serving nonprofits, offers turnkey solutions at little to no expense, providing marketing, media, and production services specifically tailored for nonprofit organizations.

Telling stories.

Changing lives.


Spirit Media Services is dedicated to providing innovative and effective media and production services to help non-profit organizations communicate their message. Our services include video production, graphic and web design, and social media management. With our services, we strive to empower non-profits to reach their goals and make an impact through creative and engaging media solutions.

How can you help?

Donations to nonprofits are most consistently of a monetary nature.  However Spirit Media Services can use a variety of different donations to fully deliver on its mission.  Of course money is always desirable but donations can also consist of production equipment, facilities and services. There may be equipment out there that is not as useful there but might be very useful to us.

Go Fund Me:

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